Timescape™ for Google+™
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Please read description carefully before buying!
Timescape™ for Google+™ application allows you receive the latest PUBLIC(and only PUBLIC) activities from Google+™ social service account into Timescape™ feed on your XPERIA™ phone. Private activities visible only inside circles will not be shown. Since there is no support for getting Google+™ friends information, Timescape™ for Google+™ application assumes public post commenters as friends and add them into Timescape™ friends list. You'll be able to receive only latest ten comments to latest five public activities from you and your commenters.
Set up Your Google+™ account in Timescape™ by selecting Timescape™ Menu, Settings and select Set up services. Then simply login into your Google+™ account.
If You wish to uninstall application then select Settings, Apps, click on Timescape™ for Google+™ application and choose Uninstall button.
If you faced an issue please let us know about it on Timescape™ for Google+™ page clicking on link below. We'll try to handle it as soon as possible.
Download .apk
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